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Themes & Resources


20 December 2023

Energy access and transition

The SDC fosters access to affordable, reliable,  productive use of clean energy including energy efficiency. With rising temperatures, access to energy-efficient, affordable and clean cooling is becoming increasingly important to ensure protection against heat waves. The SDC will put a special emphasis on access to clean cooling by showcasing renewable and passive solutions with multiple climate, economic and health benefits.

20 December 2023

Environmental housing

Safe and Child-friendly School Construction Guidelines, Myanmar

20 December 2023

Preservation and restoration of ecosystems

Healthy and biodiverse ecosystems are the foundation of life on earth and thus the basis of human livelihoods, well-being, health and economies. Nevertheless, ecosystems face over-exploitation and rapid degradation, with several planetary boundaries being strained or already exceeded.

20 December 2023

Environmental pollution

Posing a major threat to the environment as well to human health and often hitting vulnerable groups the hardest, environmental pollution offers a multitude of substantial collateral damages, but has not yet been tackled systematically. SDC’s main entry point focuses on the quality of air, water and soil.

20 December 2023

Management of natural resources

Negative impacts of climate change and disasters are threatening development achievements and bear the risk to trap or drag vulnerable communities back into poverty and to intensify or lead to conflicts over scarce resources.

20 December 2023

Integrated Disaster Risk Management

SDC DRR Network Newsletter n° 2 / July 2021: Early Warning – Early Action: Shifting from emergency response to anticipatory action

9 February 2024

Integration of C/D/E into other topics

Discover key resources on transversal themes related to Climate, DRR and Environment: Agriculture, Education, Gender, Health, Fragility and Water

11 July 2024

How to reach "Net-Zero"

Brownbag Lunch event on How to reach "Neto Zero" through the Climate Action Accelerator

Tools and approaches

2 November 2023

Mainstreaming and CEDRIG

Climate, Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction is systematically integrated into SDC development and humanitarian programmes and projects of all sectors.

20 December 2023

Climate Finance

Climate finance includes local, national or transnational financing, originating form public, private and alternative sources, to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

20 December 2023


Digitalisation opens countless possibilities and diverse applications in the field of climate, DRR and environment. It can support climate change mitigation and the transition to a carbon neutral, green economy. Earth observation and remote sensing allow the collecting of climate and environmental data for planning, monitoring, and governance purposes and can be used to respond to climate change and other challenges, and to improve warning, prevention, and preparedness. Digitalisation can also help monitor trends in (restored) ecosystems and help to preserve biodiversity and bionatural capacity. It can furthermore support the tracking of sustainable development benefits and scaling-up of Climate, DRR and Environment projects through innovative business models. Thus, Switzerland’s international cooperation strategy 2021-2024 identifies digitalisation as a priority and vital driver of sustainable development


11 July 2024

Thematic Integration Briefs

coming soon

11 July 2024

Training and Learning opportunities

Browse through the training and learning material provided by the partners below


SDC Network Climate, DRR & Environment
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Eichenweg 5
3003 Bern