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Inclusive access and transition to clean energy

The SDC promotes access to affordable, reliable, and clean energy and the productive and efficient use of clean energy. A special focus is put on sustainable cooling systems.

Low carbon & resilient built environment

The building sector accounts significant global energy-related CO2 emissions, while stocks are expected to further increase. SDC makes the global decarbonization of the building and construction sector a key priority.

Reduction of environmental pollution

Environmental pollution causes a multitude of substantial collateral damages, but has not yet been tackled systematically. SDC’s main entry point focuses on the quality of air, water and soil.

Integrated Disaster Risk Management

On IDRM, the SDC promotes a focus on the stages that occur before, during and after disasters caused by natural hazards. This approach has the potential to include new considerations such as the losses and damages to communities after a disaster hits.

Climate-resilient & sustainable natural resource management

Climate resilient and sustainable management of natural resources is a key for SDC’s work, with a particular focus around the Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus (WEFE-Nexus) and systemic approaches.

Preservation and restoration of ecosystems

The SDC’s work in preservation and restoration of ecosystems follows a holistic, people-centred landscape approach with a special focus on biodiversity, and favours nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based adaptation

C/D/E Mainstreaming & CEDRIG

Learn how SDC mainstreams and systematically integrates Climate, Environment and DRR development and humanitarian programmes and projects.


SDC Network Climate, DRR & Environment
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Eichenweg 5
3003 Bern